Secure Your Private Toy Fair® Meeting Space Today

April 20, 2023 | Are you a manufacturer, retailer, or entertainment company planning to attend Toy Fair®? If so, then you have the chance to build and strengthen business relationships, exchange ideas, and seal deals in a more private and conducive environment by renting a meeting room at the show.

Opportunities are available for daily or full show rentals starting Thursday, September 29 to Tuesday, October 3. These rooms can be used for a separate space to host meetings, staff lounges, or hospitality events.

“With Toy Fair being reimagined in the fall, companies have the opportunity to book private meeting rooms to showcase their latest 2024 prototypes and have confidential discussions with Toy Fair buyers, press and more,” said Kimberly Carcone, executive vice president of global market events at The Toy Association. “Companies can choose from a variety private meeting rooms to make the most out of their time at the event.”

Click here for more information and to request a meeting room.

Space is limited, so companies are advised to request their private meeting rooms as soon as possible. Reach out to Simon Yung, account executive at The Toy Association, with any questions.

Toy Fair will take place September 30 to October 3 in New York City. Attendee registration is now open. Visit to learn more.